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Calile Culture, Hotel
The Calile Hotel has a long history with Australasian Dance Collective (ADC), proudly supporting and collaborating over the past five years and we are proud to present an evening dedicated to celebrating creativity and collaboration via our Calile Culture event series. If you have not been fortunate enough to see ADC perform, this is your […]
Book Club, Hotel
Our April Book Club novel is, in our opinion, by one of the most compelling modern Irish writers, Claire Keegan. The Times has identified Keegan as, “A genuine once-in-a-generation writer” and Hilary Mantel describes her storytelling mastery as, “Every word is the right word in the right place, and the effect is resonant and deeply […]
Our March Book Club novel is an intelligent and powerful story about women, children and justice, by one of Australia’s most loved and clear-eyed storytellers, Tony Birch. Birch’s fourth novel showcases the range of this award-winning master craftsman in a beautiful and forthright work that sensitively explores the effect of trauma and violence on women […]
Calile Culture is a series of events and conversations that connects our community of locals and guests from afar by encouraging engagement, physical connection, appreciation, discourse and learning across all forms of creative expression.
Winner of the prestigious The Australian/Vogel’s Literary Award, Brisbane author Anna McGahan’s Immaculate is our Calile Book Club read for February. Described by the author as a “fairytale” Immaculate is set in neighbouring New Farm. The plot centres on Frances, a mother whose world is in emotional turmoil: breakdown of marriage, loss of faith, struggling with […]
This month our Book Club is throwing it back to one of Australia’s most celebrated novels, the classic Miles Franklin Award-winning Tirra Lirra by the River by Brisbane Author Jessica Anderson. First published in 1978, Anderson crafted a lyrical and moving account of one woman’s remarkable life – about the sweetness of escape and the […]
Hotel, Music, Swim Sets
When: 10am – 5pm Wednesday to Sunday 6 Dec 2023 to 28 Jan 2024 Where: Pool deck, Level 1 Entry: Hotel guests only Every holiday deserves a soundtrack, an accompanying score that sets the scene and creates a moment to be remembered and treasured. Swim Sets provides the holiday playlist via live DJ performances poolside […]
We all do it… keep a list of things, either in our heads, in endless phone notes or scribbled somewhere for future remembering. Usually however, these lists are full of chores, the daily drudgery of errands and the priority list for an organised work-life. Well, we are here to flip the “to do” list to […]
Book Club
A book is the ultimate way to escape, and this month for our Book Club we are escaping into Lola in The Mirror, by much loved local best-selling Author Trent Dalton. The two-time Walkley Award-winning journalist Trent Dalton’s latest novel Lola in The Mirror paints a moving, acerbic, intense, and tragic yet ultimately hopeful story, […]
Calile Culture is an edifying series of events, goings-on and conversations to connect our community and encourage learning and dialogue. Join us for coffee and conversation with Brisbane’s much loved and international bestselling Author Trent Dalton as he discusses his latest book Lola in The Mirror with Matthew Condon OAM and prize-winning Australian writer and […]
Charity, Hotel
This summer throughout November, December and into January 2024, The Calile will donate $5 for every night a guest stays with us to support 3rd Space, a local charity providing vital community work. We encourage our guests to donate too, and have made it easy to match our donation by adding a donation option to […]